9 business lessons we can learn from Encanto

Encanto isn’t just about the earworms songs, here are 9 business lessons that I found when I watched Disney’s new blockbuster (yes I do have the soundtrack saved to my Spotify!) If you’ve just come back from a trip to the moon, or don’t know any children you might not be familiar with the hit […]
Why should I write a newsletter for my business?

Should I write a newsletter for my business? How do I set up a newsletter? Which email software should I use? What should I write in it? How often should I send it? These are questions that pop up all the time in the online communities that I’m in and the very short answer is […]
What to put at the top of your website and what not!

In this blog post I’m going to talk about what to put in the top third of your website homepage and why it shouldn’t be a quote from Marie Forleo, Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, the Dalai Lama or any other folk that inspire you. If you’d like help making sure that your website tells your […]